Friday, December 11, 2015

Funko Friday: The Funko I want most for Christmas

Funko Fridays hosted by and

This weeks post is the Funko I want most for Christmas. This was SO HARD! I want a ton of Funkos but I am going to post my most wanted!! As a little girl I remembered growing up was hard, my parents were divorced before I had memories but I remember when I turned 5 my dad brought me to my moms after a weekend with him and my mom, dad and step-dad all gave me a VHS copy of the original live action Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, yes, as a 5 year old girl all I wanted was TMNT. Now before you ask I am a Raphael girl all the way. As a teenager I carried my Raph action figure in my purse. Ask my brothers they will attest to it! But I digress, in my grandparents basement all my original TMNT action figures are there, I have my sewer every character counting two Raphs, Shredder, and Splinter (Brain too for my old school cartoon freaks)and a pizza thrower, Bee Bop and Rocksteady, but most important I have my April, awesome yellow jumpsuit (the Bride stole that look, but I still love you QT) April and her left leg, that's right folks since the late 90s I have had April and her left leg, they are not connected but Ill be damned if I dont still have both pieces! SO, in turn the fandom of Pops I want next is TMNT but most of all I want April!

What Funko do you want most? Or what collection/fandom is next for you to cross off the list???

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