Monday, January 17, 2011

Boring Week

I am updating because I need to but not much has happened. First, week back at school was boring nothing happened really at all. The new teacher is nice I think she will do great. Clinic was super boring as per usual. I asked to be moved, I think I am going to be going to Jewish Downtown starting in the summer semester. That will be good and I now know I just need to get my skills polished and as many exams down as possible before I go and learn what its like to take x-rays in a real full blown hospital.
Chase and I had a moment last week. Friday he came in and said he and his cousins and brother were going to Texas in late February to go boar hunting. This bothers me just a little, but its the going to Austin for a few extra days that bothers me. I am trying to get past it and get used to the idea but I just cant so far. Its not that I dont trust him and whatnot but I dont trust other people. Mostly it boils down to I dont understand why he wants to go and see these people he hasnt seen or even spoken to in 3 years. His response is because they are his friends. But in my mind if they are his friends why dont they call him? I am just afraid of whats there that he wants to go back to so bad but never talks about. I guess maybe its nothing and its me freaking out. I have horrible abandonment issues from growing up the way I did and I am so scared of losing him that I have materialized all these crazy thoughts and ideas. So, I am working past this and hoping that it all turns out just fine. The other issue with this trip is the money. But we talked about it and its ok. I just feel that the money he is spending could go to much better causes, like us trying to get a house in the spring. He says he does have money set back and that he wants the same thing, but he is waiting for his parents to sell that damn house is Texas, because the loan he has looks so bad on his credit and puts us available for a lower bracket home loan. I like his parents but this loan thing is starting to get to me, its now putting my entire life on hold. Its extremely frustrating and I dont really know what to do next...

Monday, January 10, 2011

New Year

So, I failed at the "rest of the year" part of keeping up with things, but its a new year as they say and I am going to keep up with this! So, as for New Year's, I worked but we had just a set number of reservations so I got off early and went home to change and then came back to work to spend the New Year change over with Chase, but we ended up leaving there at 1130 and just going to my house for the ball drop. I was starting to feel like I might be getting a sinus infection so I didnt even have one drink. Many people found this crazy but I didnt need to have a drink for it to be New Years. People are weird.
I did get to go see my oldest best friend Leslie and her little guy Daven. At first Daven was being fussy but he had a little cat nap and we went to Red Lobster and had a good lunch. Daven was flirting with the little girl at the table behind us and hamming it up with the manager, who was an unusually talkative guy, even for a restaurant manager. We had a nice little visit. Always wish it could be longer or that we had more money so we could do more fun things, but its always great just to see Leslie and do nothing just like when we were kids. Itd be awesome if we could go back to playing Barbies and Legos and riding our bikes all the time. Those were the days.
Speaking of old friends, my middle school group of friends is contemplating a reunion. We havent ironed out all the kinks yet and I think itll be a minute before we can get everyone together but it seems like we are going to make it happen. This is exciting because even as adults we revert back to that way we used to be when we all get together.
I have made a couple of New Years Resolutions, they are not exactly what most people would do or whatever but Im going to list them just the same,
1. No more GD, JC, and retarded. Im going to do my very best to remove these statements from my vocabulary, this is going to be hard but I am going to do it.
2. Drink water, again. I did so well for a few months last year then I fell back into the tea groove. I need to drink my half a gallon a day, 64 ounces. It sounds like a lot but its not as bad as it seems, and its so go for me.
3. Pay off my credit card and stop using it. Its not very high (less than $1500) and I dont use it much, but occasionally I tend to splurge on myself and use it so I dont spend my real money, but I am going to not do that this year.
4. I am going to get a new tattoo, its been much too long and its really getting to me.
The spring semester is going to go by quite quickly I believe. Every month we have anywhere from two days to a week off, so it will probably be May before we know it. The summer semester is June 6-July 14, which sorta sucks because we are going to St. Louis for baseball games July 4th - 7th for Chase's birthday celebration, its the Reds Cardinals series, so I cannot wait! But I will have to use three of my free days so I can go. But I havent used one yet and I will have three left after the mini vaca. That is if I can not use one this spring semester, I think I can do it. We also only have three classes this spring semester and they seem much easier than last semester, so I am looking forward to pushing through and getting things done. My friend didnt pass though and she is not here this semester, I am really upset, I really liked her and she is smart but not a good test taker. She didnt tell me she wasnt coming back, but maybe she was ashamed. Im going to talk to her on facebook and hope that we can get together sometime. There were two girls that didnt come back this semester, the other girl was one of the slightly older ones, I am hoping to get to go to her hospital next year since mine isnt a "real" hospital and I want some more intense experience.
Well, this blog has been all over the place, I am going to stop for now. But ill be back in a few days, promise.