Thursday, February 5, 2015

February Goals

One of my friends who blogs often, brought another blog to my attention, its called , and its pretty neat. She is doing her goals a little differently. She has lot of small goals for each month and at the end of the month she is going through and letting you know what she did accomplish and what she did not. I think that sounds like a wonderful idea and that it is reasonable.
So, first I want to say in the realm of the big goals last month I did ok but not perfect, but no one is perfect right? I will say I did get the exercise regime going this week and so far have stuck with it. It is extremely simple BUT I am still doing it!
My goals for February will be:
  • Spend day with JoJo making little terrariums
  • See mom for a meal
  • Finish my exercise program and plan how to change it for March
  • Spend some time with Jeremy before he moves in addition to his going away party
  • Get taxes done
  • Finish iPod setup and transferring music
  • Try to see Zach for his birthday (this is more on him than me)
February is a short month and I already lost a few days better get on it!