So, wow I just realized I havent updated since before Christmas, therefore there is no possible way for me to remember all that happen. I can tell you most of what I did from the last post until January 11th, I worked, a lot. Since January 11th I have been in school and working and had even less free time.
Christmas nothing exciting happened except Chase got me a Pandora bracelet. It's really pretty and super nice and it was expensive and he picked it out all by himself. Literally, he had to pick out each bead, there are only 3 but still. On New Years I worked but we (Chase and I) actually managed to get out of work early and we went to Jeremy and Megan for a little party. It was fun and I was really excited that I got to spend New Years with Chase.
Other than that there was no news from the "holidays", they were just busy and uneventful. Now I am in school and its really sucky. I have 3 entry level classes I never took so they are full of young kids and people just getting back into school. So, that sucks, and we dont really do anything I spend one whole day sitting and listening occasionally writing. Then I have physics on Tues and Thurs night and thats a lot of listening and writing. But other than that school is boring. I am thinking of transferring to Spencerian in March, and I will be dropping my classes at JCC. Its not set in stone I am looking into an option. I will give more info when I have some more info.
I am working my old in school schedule, plus I have worked the last 2 Saturday nights, so I am taking more classes and working more than last semester. But if I make this school change it will drastically effect my ability to work and I guess I am preparing for what that will mean. Because even if I have to go to school more my bills wont go away and I will have to pay them somehow.
I want to do my taxes, but I am still waiting on a statement from Bob's back about this money JoJo invested in my name. It sucks because I have everything together and ready to go except this paper. And I also dont know if I can do them online this year because I have all these new papers, tuition and investments. Blah, I just want my refund so I can pay off two bills and have some more in savings, maybe if I am lucky buy a mattress. We will see, when and if I ever get to do them.
Well, this was very random and unfortunately not THAT informative. But what can I say, work, school, work, school. Thats my life.
Oh, JoJo is having surgery tomorrow, that bladder sling thing a much simpler version of what my mom had. I am not too worried, hope thats a good sign.